Monday, December 3, 2007

I'm not a baby anymore...

I'm growing so fast! I weigh 42 pounds and am growing like a weed! At least I was 42 pounds three days ago... I got to go to the big dog side at my obedience class.

I can't believe it has been a month since I wrote in my blog! This Dog's Life stuff is pretty busy. There is playing to get done, naps to take and my people to cuddle. I have to walk Mommy and Daddy everyday, if I can get them up. This is a picture from about two weeks ago, I got to go to downtown Chicago with my family. This is my Mommy and Daddy and me.

It is getting really cold outside, I love it! And this white stuff that falls from the sky is so fun! Mommy and Daddy tell me I will love my first real snowfall. We are going to Colorado to ski so I will get to see snow no matter what. I hope, I hope, I hope it snows here before that!

I lost all my baby teeth and guess what??? The Tooth Furry didn't even come to visit once! I was hoping to wake up with a new bone or something! It isn't fair.

Something called Christmas is coming soon. We are going to put up a tree! A tree in the house! How weird is that! Maybe I can bring in some other stuff. I'll have to look around outside.

I better get busy, Mommy is going to need my help getting that tree up. Maybe I better take a nap first............

Puppy kisses,

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